February 23, 1317
In May, 1316 Edward Bruce, younger brother of Robert I (and, by parliamentary act, his heir), was inaugurated King of Ireland, though with less than full Irish support.
February 24, 1582
February 24, 1303
A hastily mustered army of 8,000 Scots led by Sir John Comyn (the Red) faced an English army numbering 30,000.
February 24, 1940
February 24, 1923
February 24, 1852
February 24, 1850
February 24, 1841
John Philip Holland (Irish: Seán Pilib Ó hUallacháin/Ó Maolchalann) (24 February 1841 – 12 August 1914) was an Irish engineer who developed the first submarine to be formally commissioned by the US …
February 24, 1797
February 24, 1780
February 24, 1692
February 25, 1891